Enter the fascinating world of Hax Wars, the location-based multiplayer game about hacking, infiltrating and embattled territories.
Your mobile device becomes hacking-gear to collect big amounts of IHAX, the in-game currency, by hacking and infiltrating the real world environment around your location.
Play GTA-styled missions, join multiplayer tournaments with your drone squad or chase rare achievements and immerse into a storyline about a forgotten metaverse, time-traveling agents and an act of treason.
Play solo, in a small team or consolidate with your most trustworthy companions and form a powerful syndicate. Fight about city squares in your neighborhood or take part in a full-scale hax-war about the capital city.

The Corporation has always been here – they built factories, banks, schools and homes which they connected with roads and streets. The city was born, but it was formless and dark.
They filled the city with dreams and hopes but Business was slow while the Corporation’s all-seeing eyes were hovering over it.

Souless killer machines or hyper-intelligent partners in crime … in hax wars drones are not only a nice looking accessoir which accompanies the player on his dangerous tours. Indeed they are small in size but used smart drones can be a big advantage and spare a lot of movement and therefore precious time while staying focused on the objective.
Imagine you’re heading for a special location to collect an eagerly awaited mission reward but simultaneous send your drone to catch some ihax and loot on objects on your way.

Loot special items and mission rewards from Warpboxes, which randomly appear around you. Depending on color and rarity the boxes contain different ranked tier equipment. Always take a look on your radar to find these gems!

There are Official Tournaments and also illegal Street Battles around the player, participating at these competitions increases the Battle Drone’s experience and power. The player can also enhance the capabilities of the Battle Drones by purchasing upgrades or fancy skins by hard iHAX cash.

Take part in our territories land sale pre-auctions and snatch some of the most valuable SQUARES of New York, Tokyo or Berlin (and many more to follow). Invest in high rewarding metropolis city center or believe in the promising future of your beloved hometown: Save the best squares for yourself, collect bounties from all hackers coming across your place. become a hidden gem by hosting famous but deadly drone wars tournaments or sell virtual advert-panels as an easy passive income to, maybe … the coca cola company?
The future is yours to design!

Support our game as backer with a one-time donation or subscribe to one of our Support-Packages and become a legendary monthly supporter! Thank you so much!
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Get an exclusive Boss-Supporter-Drone as in-game skin and NFT
Get a green, white and a yellow Warpbox plus matching keys every month
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Start your game with a Level 2 Base and a Surprise-Gear-Kit
Get an exclusive "The-Legend" - Drone, as in-game skin and NFT
Get a green, white and a yellow Warpbox plus matching keys every month
Join our monthly developer meetings, share your ideas and improvements and take part in game design decisions
Start your game with a Level 3 Base and a legendary Surprise-Gear-Kit